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  • Pratas, M. H., Horta, I. (2016). Conflict Resolution in Early Childhood Education. In 3rd International Symposium on Early Childhood and School Pedagogy on Contemporary trends in Curriculum Development and Teaching Proceedings, 23-24 Abril de 2016, University of Cyprus (peer-reviewed).

  • Ferreira, M., Horta, I., (2014) Leitura - Dificuldades de aprendizagem, ensino e estratégias para o desenvolvimento de competências [Reading – Learning disabilities, teaching and strategies for the development of competences], Da Investigação às Práticas, 5(2), 144-154.

  • Vasconcelos, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2014). Desenvolvimento de competências no pré-escolar. A importância das práticas de escrita inventada [Preschool Skills development: The importance of invented spelling activities]. Psicologia, XXVII (1).

  • Vasconcelos Horta, I. (2012). Da escrita grafo-perceptiva à escrita fonetizada: factores e processos evolutivos na descoberta do princípio alfabético [Psychological processes involved in spelling acquisition]. Análise Psicológica, 30 (4), 435-449.

  • Pratas, M. H., Horta, I., & Amado, N. (2012). Conflict resolution in teacher training: Understanding teachers’ needs. In P. Cunningham & N. Fretwell (eds.), Creating Communities: Local, National and Global (pp. 417-425). London: CiCe.

  • Amado, N.; Pratas, H., & Horta, I. (2012). Teachers and parents` perceptions of conflict in early childhood. Conference Book of the 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Madrid: ICERI.

  • Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2011). Invented spelling programmes and the access to the alphabetic principle in kindergarten. L1 – Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 11, 1-23.

  • Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2009). Orthographic performances in a Portuguese primary school: A longitudinal study in third and fourth grades. L1 – Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 9 (4), 43-61.

  • Horta, I.V. & Martins, M. A. (2004). Desenvolvimento e aprendizagem da ortografia: Implicações educacionais [Learning and Development of Orthography: educational impact]. Análise Psicológica, 1 (XXII), 213-223. ISPA.


Presentaciones en Conferencias Internacionales

  • Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Miranda, L. (2013, July). Phonemic awareness in preschool classrooms. 35th ISPA Conference. The future of Psychology Services: Linking Creativity and Children’s Needs. Porto. 

  • Vasconcelos Horta, I., Pratas, M. H., Amado, N. (2013, July). How can Teachers help Conflict Resolution in Early Childhood? The future of Psychology Services: Linking Creativity and Children’s Needs. Porto. 

  • Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Teixeira, A. F. (2013, June). Developing phonological awareness in classrooms. 9th IAIMTE International Conference – Literacies and effective learning and teaching for all. Paris.

  • Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2012, July). Invented spelling programmes and letter names: The phonetization process. 13th International Conference of the EARLI - SIG Writing. Porto.

  • Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2011, June). Invented spelling programmes: factors that lead to phonetization. 8th IAIMTE International Conference – Fostering literacies: teaching and learning in heterogeneous environments. Hildesheim.

  • Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2010, September). Invented spelling in kindergarten: an analysis of child/adult interactions during an invented spelling programme. 12th International Conference of the EARLI - SIG Writing. Heidelberg.

  • Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2009, August). Orthographic performances and orthographic knowledge: A longitudinal study in third and fourth grades in a Portuguese elementary school. 13th EARLI Biennial Conference, Amsterdam.

  • Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2009, June). Writing programmes with kindergarten children: the effects of fricatives and stops consonants in the access to the alphabetic principle. 7th IAIMTE International Conference – Learning and Teaching Language and Literature. Toronto.

  • Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2008, June). Writing programmes with kindergarten children: do they contribute to the development of children's writing? 11th International Conference of the EARLI - Special Interest Group on Writing. Lund, Sweden.

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