Dr. Inês Horta
Psicóloga del Desarollo
Pratas, M. H., Horta, I. (2016). Conflict Resolution in Early Childhood Education. In 3rd International Symposium on Early Childhood and School Pedagogy on Contemporary trends in Curriculum Development and Teaching Proceedings, 23-24 Abril de 2016, University of Cyprus (peer-reviewed).
Ferreira, M., Horta, I., (2014) Leitura - Dificuldades de aprendizagem, ensino e estratégias para o desenvolvimento de competências [Reading – Learning disabilities, teaching and strategies for the development of competences], Da Investigação às Práticas, 5(2), 144-154.
Vasconcelos, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2014). Desenvolvimento de competências no pré-escolar. A importância das práticas de escrita inventada [Preschool Skills development: The importance of invented spelling activities]. Psicologia, XXVII (1).
Vasconcelos Horta, I. (2012). Da escrita grafo-perceptiva à escrita fonetizada: factores e processos evolutivos na descoberta do princípio alfabético [Psychological processes involved in spelling acquisition]. Análise Psicológica, 30 (4), 435-449.
Pratas, M. H., Horta, I., & Amado, N. (2012). Conflict resolution in teacher training: Understanding teachers’ needs. In P. Cunningham & N. Fretwell (eds.), Creating Communities: Local, National and Global (pp. 417-425). London: CiCe.
Amado, N.; Pratas, H., & Horta, I. (2012). Teachers and parents` perceptions of conflict in early childhood. Conference Book of the 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Madrid: ICERI.
Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2011). Invented spelling programmes and the access to the alphabetic principle in kindergarten. L1 – Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 11, 1-23.
Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2009). Orthographic performances in a Portuguese primary school: A longitudinal study in third and fourth grades. L1 – Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 9 (4), 43-61.
Horta, I.V. & Martins, M. A. (2004). Desenvolvimento e aprendizagem da ortografia: Implicações educacionais [Learning and Development of Orthography: educational impact]. Análise Psicológica, 1 (XXII), 213-223. ISPA.
Presentaciones en Conferencias Internacionales
Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Miranda, L. (2013, July). Phonemic awareness in preschool classrooms. 35th ISPA Conference. The future of Psychology Services: Linking Creativity and Children’s Needs. Porto.
Vasconcelos Horta, I., Pratas, M. H., Amado, N. (2013, July). How can Teachers help Conflict Resolution in Early Childhood? The future of Psychology Services: Linking Creativity and Children’s Needs. Porto.
Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Teixeira, A. F. (2013, June). Developing phonological awareness in classrooms. 9th IAIMTE International Conference – Literacies and effective learning and teaching for all. Paris.
Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2012, July). Invented spelling programmes and letter names: The phonetization process. 13th International Conference of the EARLI - SIG Writing. Porto.
Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2011, June). Invented spelling programmes: factors that lead to phonetization. 8th IAIMTE International Conference – Fostering literacies: teaching and learning in heterogeneous environments. Hildesheim.
Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2010, September). Invented spelling in kindergarten: an analysis of child/adult interactions during an invented spelling programme. 12th International Conference of the EARLI - SIG Writing. Heidelberg.
Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2009, August). Orthographic performances and orthographic knowledge: A longitudinal study in third and fourth grades in a Portuguese elementary school. 13th EARLI Biennial Conference, Amsterdam.
Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2009, June). Writing programmes with kindergarten children: the effects of fricatives and stops consonants in the access to the alphabetic principle. 7th IAIMTE International Conference – Learning and Teaching Language and Literature. Toronto.
Vasconcelos Horta, I., & Alves Martins, M. (2008, June). Writing programmes with kindergarten children: do they contribute to the development of children's writing? 11th International Conference of the EARLI - Special Interest Group on Writing. Lund, Sweden.